Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sea kayaking on Relonkavi Fjord

The group cooked a fabulous barbecue last night (steak with a wonderful marinade, roasted potatoes, salad, and home-made from scratch brownies). My stomach was still not happy, so I had mostly potatoes, but it was still good. We had a "parrot flyover" while eating dinner, as about 4 green parrots buzzed us while heading into the trees.

Today (Monday) we went sea kayaking on Relonkavi Fjord. It was warm and sunny and calm. We paddled about 15 kilometers in single kayaks, with the tide, with a stop for lunch mid way. As one would expect (given that fjords are carved by glaciers), we were in a steep valley with a series of forested hills and peaks rising on either side. It was amazingly quiet. We could hear roosters crowing up and down the valley, as well as other strange and wonderful birds, and if a car went by on the road you could hear it.

This is a good place for salmon farms (if any place can be said to be a good place for salmon farms, given their environmental impact) because the temperature is apparently ideal. Chile is the number 2 salmon farming country in the world, behind Norway, and will probably overtake Norway in a few years. Also lots of mussel farms, which don't have such a negative impact.

We are now back at our cabins and have started tonight's barbecue. One of our trip members is an amazing cook. We're having brined, marinated, baked, and then roasted chicken, roasted potatoes, a Chilean corn and cheese dish, a raspberry sauce he is making from black raspberries we picked at lunch, and smores. I think there was some salad mentioned too. I'm not completely over my stomach ailment, but am better.

Haven't decided what to do about tomorrow's hike. My right knee is definitely bothering me, but I don't have to decide until tomorrow.

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